How To Install Citrix XEN Server 7.2.0

Citrix XEN Server is an open source virtualization environment on small or large area. At first you can download Citrix…


How To Add IP2Location Free Widgets

You can add beautiful tools to your web site, which allows you to easily see geolocation. Many times it is…


How To Install Microsoft Office 2007 With Activation Key

Microsoft Office 2007 is an application software provided by Microsoft Corporation.  If you can install Microsoft Office 2007 on your…


How To Install Java And Tomcat On Ubuntu Gnome 16.04

Ubuntu Gnome is an open-source software. It can be used various purposes such as server and desktop version. I have…


How To Install OsTicket On Ubuntu 16.04

OsTicket is an opensource online support ticketing system. If you do install on your ubuntu 16.04 then see follow my…


Check Web Site URL From Zabbix Server

Now I have to show check web site url form Zabbix Server. Large environment used open source linux based network…


How To Setup Thunderbird Gmail Settings

Gmail is Google mailing service. You can easy way to create one gmail account fully free. If you create one…


How To Install FreeNAS On Virtual Machine

FreeNAS is an opensource powerful storage software.  Many file sharing system supported such as Windows file shares, Unix file shares, Apple File Shares,…


How To Install Portable DHCP Server Into Windows 10

DHCP means (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) its provided automatically IP on your subnet. The DHCP controlled by the DHCP Server…


Check Apache Tomcat Service From Zabbix Server With Gmail Notification

Zabbix Server is a strong network monitoring tools. Now I have to show how to check apache tomcat service from…
