zabbix-dashboard-6.2 19

How To Install Zabbix Server 6.2 On Ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial how to install Zabbix server 6.2 on Ubuntu 22.04. Zabbix 6.2 is newly latest release from officially. So lets start this guide for install step by step. ####################################### Operating system: Ubuntu...

how-to-install-timetrex-on-ubuntu-19-10 0

How To Install TimeTrex On Ubuntu 19.10

In this tutorial how to install TimeTrex on Ubuntu 19.10. The TimeTrex is an open source employ management system. You can easily manage workforce using this software. My server info : ############################ Server IP...

How To Install OpenSSH Server On Debian 10 0

How To Install OpenSSH Server On Debian 10

In this tutorial how to install openssh server on Debian 10 server. I already search many web site for this issue but not exact solution. So lets see my tutorial for install openssh server....