Tagged: zabbix

How-To-Install-Zabbix-5.0-On-Centos-7 10

How To Install Zabbix 5.0 On Centos 7

Now I want to share how to install Zabbix server 5.0 on your centos 7 server. This is newly stable zabbix 5.0. So important think how to install zabbix 5.0 on centos 7 server....

add-ubuntu-server-zabbix 0

How To Add Ubuntu Server Into Zabbix Web GUI

Now I want to share how to add ubuntu server into zabbix web gui for monitoring. After add ubuntu server then wait at least 5 to 10 minutes for collect all data into zabbix...

Zabbix-server-install-ubuntu-19.04 4

How To Install Zabbix Server On Ubuntu 19.04

Recently release Ubuntu latest version 19.04. So I want to show how to install Zabbix Server on Ubuntu 19.04. So lets start to installation process. And remember it don’t forget you see my previous...