How To Install Apache Cloud Stack Management Server On Ubuntu 20.04

Now I want to share interesting post like open source cloud computing system. In this tutorial how to install Apache…


How To Install Apache Cloud Stack Management Server On Ubuntu 18.04

Now I want to share interesting post like open source cloud computing system. In this tutorial how to install Apache…


How To Install Zabbix 5.0 On Ubuntu 20.04 Server

In this tutorial how to install zabbix 5.0 on your ubuntu 20.04 server. Zabbix is an open source network monitoring…


How To Install CloudStack Management Server v4.14 On Ubuntu 18.04

In this tutorial is how to install Cloud Stack management server v4.14 on Ubuntu 18.04 server. The Apache Cloud Stack…


How To Install Apache Cloud Stack v4.15 On Centos 7

I want to share open source cloud computing Apache Cloud Stack v4.15 installation process. This is latest release v4.15 including…


How To Install FreePBX 15 on CentOS 8

I want to share how to install FreePBX 15 on your Centos 8 vps or local server. In this tutorial…


How To Install Jitsi Own Server For Video Conference On Ubuntu 20.04

I want to share how to install Jitsi Meet own server on ubuntu 20.04. Jitsi officially release new version and…


Private Cloud Setup Step By Step Using Apache Cloud Stack

Now I will show how to private cloud setup step by step using open source could computing Apache Cloud Stack.…


How To Install Zabbix 5.0 On Centos 8

Now I want to share how to install Zabbix 5.0 for your Centos 8 vps or local server. Zabbix new…


How To Install osTicket v1.14 On Ubuntu 20.04

I want to share how to install osTicket v1.14 for Ubuntu 20.04 server. osTicket written by php mysql. This guide…
