
How To Install OsTicket v1.14 On Centos 7 With Apache

OsTicket is powerful online support ticketing system. In this tutorial, how to install osTicket v1. 14 on your Centos 7…

How To Install Bitwarden Password Manager On Ubuntu 18.04 Using Docker

Bitwarden is password management open source software. So now I have to share how to install bitwarden password manager using…

How To Convert Ubuntu 19.04 Server To MikroTik Router Using Script

MikroTik is the best router so I want to share how to convert Ubuntu 19.04 server to the MikroTik router using script. MikroTik router…

How To Configure Static IP Address On Ubuntu 14.04

Now I want to share for static setup on your Ubuntu 14.04. When create any machine on your network, then get IP address from your dhcp server. If…

How To Upgrade Zabbix Server 4.0 To 4.4 On CentOS 8

This is very important for your zabbix server upgrade to new version. So I want to show how to upgrade…

How To SSH Enable On Ubuntu 14.04

Now I am sharing how to enable ssh to your Ubuntu 14 server. Ssh needs for remote access your server. Then run many services like as apache, mysql…

How To Configure SSL For Apache Tomcat 8 Using Let’sencrypt On Ubuntu 19.04

I have to show how to using let's Encrypt for apache tomcat 8.0.46 and java 8u144. Let's encrypt is an…

How To Setup Rocket Chat SSL Configuration Using Letsencrypt For Nginx

When install Rocket chat so must be install ssl using free or purchase. Now I have to show you can…

How To Install Rocket Chat Server On Ubuntu 19.04

Rocket Chat is an opensource team software. In this guide how to install Rocket Chat on your Ubuntu 19.04 server.…

How To Install OpenProject Into Ubuntu 18.04

OpenProject is an task management software. This is fully opensource. So I want to share how to install it Ubuntu…