How To Install VYOS Update Version 1-1- 7-64 Bit

VYOS is an Linux based opensource router system. It can be used many services such as routing, firewall, nat, vpn etc. You can choose VYOS network for your office. You can configure VYOS router via command line. Now I have to show how to install vyos router on your virtual environment.

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At first create virtual machine on your virtual environment such as XEN server.
Step #01: Minimum system requirements for your VYOS router.

  • RAM 512MB
  • Storage 2GB

Step #02: First time login VyOS defaults user name and password.

User Name: vyos

Password : vyos

Step #03: You can see as like image below

Step #04: Run install image Command into VyOS. Default VyOS router no assign IP address.

vyos@vyos:~$ install image

Would you like to continue ? (Yes/no) [yes]: Press Enter 

Press Enter Four time see image below.

Step #05: Creating file system and change VyOS default password. Create VyOS configuration file config.boot.

Which one should I copy to xvda: [/config/config.boot] Press Enter

Which drive should GRUB modify the boot partition on? [xvda] Press Enter

You can see my screen shot below.

Setting up grub: OK
You are installing to Xen HVM domU virtual machine.
Would you like to set up config files to prepare for the conversion to PV domU? [No]:

Step #06: Completed Install your virtual VyOS router. Now reboot your VyOS router.

vyos@vyos:~$ reboot
Proceed with reboot? (Yes/No) [No]: Yes

Finally completed VyOS virtual router.

Next step Configure interface LAN and WAN into VyOS router.


Admin: I am system administrator as Windows and Linux platform. I have 4 years skilled from the professional period. I have to configure Linux based system such as an Asterisk VOIP system, Network monitoring tools (ZABBIX), Virtualization (XEN Server), Cloud computing (Apache CloudStack) etc. Now share my professional skill each interested person. Thanks to all.
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