Tagged: dhcp

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How To Configure Static IP Address On Ubuntu 14.04

Now I want to share for static setup on your Ubuntu 14.04. When create any machine on your network, then get IP address from your dhcp server. If you don’t use dhcp server on your network. So use a static IP address for all machines. ★ How...

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How To Install Portable DHCP Server Into Windows 10

DHCP means (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) its provided automatically IP on your subnet. The DHCP controlled by the DHCP Server distribute network configuration such as IP, subnetmask, gateway and dns information. When client host...

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Setup Static IP Address On CentOS 6.5

If you already installed CentOS 6.5 on your virtual machine. Now you can see can’t be get IP address from your dhcp server. Now you need to configure static ip address on your centos...

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