Tagged: ubuntu (software)

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How To Install Joomla 4 On Ubuntu 18.04

Joomla! is an open source content management system (CMS). Many web site built using Joomla!. So I want to share how to install Joomla! 4 on your Ubuntu 18.04 server. ★ How To Install Google Chrome On Ubuntu Gnome...

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How To Configure Static IP Address On Ubuntu 14.04

Now I want to share for static setup on your Ubuntu 14.04. When create any machine on your network, then get IP address from your dhcp server. If you don’t use dhcp server on your network. So use a static IP address for all machines. ★ How...

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How To Install Joomla On Ubuntu 16.04

Joomla! is an opensource CMS system written by by php mysql. So I want to show how to install Joomla! on Ubuntu 16.04. ★ How To Install Laravel On Ubuntu 16.04 With Phpmyadmin and Mysql...

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