How To Install Rocket Chat Server On Ubuntu 19.048 min read
Rocket Chat is an opensource team software. In this guide how to install Rocket Chat on your Ubuntu 19.04 server. So don’t delay start this process for manual installation. My server details below.
- Server IP address :
- Server OS : Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo
- RAM : 2 GB
- Disk : 50 GB
- vCPU : 2
- CPU op-mode(s) : 64-bit
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Step #01: Must be your server latest update installed.
root@Rocket-Chat:~# vi /etc/resolv.conf root@Rocket-Chat:~# apt -y update root@Rocket-Chat:~# apt upgrade root@Rocket-Chat:~# reboot
Step #02: Install Mongodb database server for install Rocket Chat on Ubuntu 19.04.
root@Rocket-Chat:~# apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 9DA31620334BD75D9DCB49F368818C72E52529D4 root@Rocket-Chat:~# echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] bionic/mongodb-org/4.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.0.list root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get install -y curl && curl -sL | sudo bash - root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo apt-get install -y build-essential mongodb-org nodejs graphicsmagick root@Rocket-Chat:~# apt-get install node-which node-underscore node-tar node-slide node-sha node-semver node-rimraf node-retry node-request node-read-package-json node-read node-osenv node-once node-npmlog node-nopt node-gyp node-mkdirp node-minimatch node-lru-cache node-lockfile node-ini node-inherits node-graceful-fs node-glob node-github-url-from-git node-fstream-ignore node-fstream node-block-stream node-archy node-ansi-color-table node-ansi node-abbrev nodejs -y
Step #03: Download Rocket Chat latest version and install on this Ubuntu 19.04.
root@Rocket-Chat:~# npm install -g inherits n && sudo n 8.11.4 root@Rocket-Chat:~# curl -L -o /tmp/ root@Rocket-Chat:~# tar -xzf /tmp/ -C /tmp root@Rocket-Chat:~# cd /tmp/bundle/programs/server && npm install root@Rocket-Chat:/tmp# cd root@Rocket-Chat:~# mv /tmp/bundle /opt/Rocket.Chat root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo useradd -M rocketchat && sudo usermod -L rocketchat root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo chown -R rocketchat:rocketchat /opt/Rocket.Chat root@Rocket-Chat:~# vi /lib/systemd/system/rocketchat.service
Then insert below all lines into service file.
[Unit] Description=The Rocket.Chat server [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node /opt/Rocket.Chat/main.js StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=rocketchat User=rocketchat Environment=MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/rocketchat?replicaSet=rs01 MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/local?replicaSet=rs01 ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000/ PORT=3000 [Install]
Step #04: Setup Mongodb url and port for install Rocket Chat on Ubuntu 19.04.
root@Rocket-Chat:~# MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/rocketchat?replicaSet=rs01 root@Rocket-Chat:~# MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/local?replicaSet=rs01 root@Rocket-Chat:~# ROOT_URL= root@Rocket-Chat:~# PORT=3000 root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo sed -i "s/^# engine:/ engine: mmapv1/" /etc/mongod.conf root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo sed -i "s/^#replication:/replication:\n replSetName: rs01/" /etc/mongod.conf root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo systemctl enable mongod && sudo systemctl start mongod root@Rocket-Chat:~# mongo --eval "printjson(rs.initiate())" root@Rocket-Chat:~# sudo systemctl enable rocketchat && sudo systemctl start rocketchat root@Rocket-Chat:~# systemctl status rocketchat
Now browse your server IP address and port like as below.
Step #05: Create admin account for using Rocket Chat on Ubuntu 19.04.
Note : I am using all images from Ubuntu 18.04 installation guide. This is same process no problem.
Example like as :
NAME : admin
USERNAME : admin
PASSWORD : ********
Then click Continue button.
Step #06: Now edit your organization info for Rocket Chat on Ubuntu 19.04.
Example like as :
ORGANIZATION TYPE : Community << Select any one
ORGANIZATION NAME : Technologyrss << Type your company name
INDUSTRY : Telecom << Select any one
COUNTRY : Bangladesh << Select your country
WEBSITE : << Type your web site name
Then click Continue button.
Step #07: Type server info for install Rocket Chat on Ubuntu 19.04.
Step #08: Select your server type keep standalone for Rocket Chat on Ubuntu 19.04.
Then click Continue button.
Step #09: Your workspace is ready to use for your Rocket Chat server.
See view log file your system status like as below:
I20190614-15:05:23.673(0) ➔ System ➔ startup I20190614-15:05:23.674(0) ➔ +-----------------------------------------------+ I20190614-15:05:23.674(0) ➔ | SERVER RUNNING | I20190614-15:05:23.674(0) ➔ +-----------------------------------------------+ I20190614-15:05:23.674(0) ➔ | | I20190614-15:05:23.674(0) ➔ | Rocket.Chat Version: 1.2.1 | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | NodeJS Version: 8.11.4 - x64 | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | MongoDB Version: 4.0.10 | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | MongoDB Engine: mmapv1 | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | Platform: linux | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | Process Port: 3000 | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | Site URL: http://localhost:3000/ | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | ReplicaSet OpLog: Enabled | I20190614-15:05:23.675(0) ➔ | Commit Hash: 7475d7628a | I20190614-15:05:23.676(0) ➔ | Commit Branch: HEAD | I20190614-15:05:23.676(0) ➔ | | I20190614-15:05:23.676(0) ➔ +-----------------------------------------------+
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