CloudStack management server is an open source cloud computing. It can be installed various linux distribution such as ubuntu, redhat and centos. Now I have to configure CloudStack Management Server on ubuntu 14.04. And I have used hypervisor host like as XEN server 6.5. Apache CloudStack is a cloud management system.
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CloudStack Management Server installation system requirements.
CloudStack Management Server requirements:
ClounStack management server and storage must fulfill below requirements.
- Operating system [centOS/RHEL 6.3+ or Ubuntu 14.04]
- 64-bit x86 [Maximum core for more best preference]
- 4GB memory [Used maximum RAM for best performance]
- 250 GB of local disk [Recommended Disk Space 500GB]
- At least 1 NIC [Local LAN]
- Configure IP address [Static IP address]
- Fully qualified domain name [e.g. cloud-mgmt.technologyrss.local]
CloudStack Host/Hypervisor System Requirements:
- Must be support HVM [Intel-VT or AMD-V enabled]
- 64-bit x86 CPU [Maximum core for more best preference]
- Hardware virtualization support required [Software executed on these virtual machines]
- 4 GB of memory [Must be increase your RAM]
- 36 GB of local disk [Must be increase your local disk]
- At least 1 NIC [configure two NIC such as LAN and WAN]
- Installed hypervisor software [e.g. Xen Server or another virtualization]
- When installed hypervisor software, then can’t create or running any vm.
Now have to show step by step configure cloudStack management server.
Step #01: Now install ubuntu 14.04 on VM machine. Then change ssh service, hosts file and hostname for install cloudStack management server requirements.
- Enable ssh service on your virtual machine
- Edit hosts file via command line. (vi /etc/hosts) edit like as below. localhost technologyrss.local cloud-mgmt
- Edit hostname (vi /etc/hostname) like as cloud-mgmt
Hostname needed fully qualified domain name. So ping cloud-mgmt.technologyrss.local
All is ok then reboot your machine.
Then reboot your machine.
Step #02: Install open ntp server command
root@cloud-mgmt:~# apt-get install openntpd
Step #03: Configure DEB package repository to your apt sources for ubuntu 14.04 [trusty]. Open source list file via any editor such as vi, vim or nano.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudstack.list
Add below line into cloudstack.list file
deb precise 4.9
Now we have to add public key into cloudstack apt-get
root@cloud-mgmt:~# sudo wget -O –|apt-key add –
Step #04: Now update your machine via apt-get command.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# apt-get update
Step #05: Complete update then install apt-get cloudstack management server command below.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# apt-get install cloudstack-management
Wait up to 30 minutes or less download all packages for install cloudstack mgmt server requirements.
Step #06: After completed install. Then install mysql server on your management server.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# apt-get install mysql-server
Edit mysql configuration file. Open vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf
root@cloud-mgmt:~# vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Insert below lines under [mysqld] section the max_connections parameter should be set to 350
[mysqld] innodb_rollback_on_timeout=1 innodb_lock_wait_timeout=600 max_connections=350 log-bin=mysql-bin binlog-format = 'ROW'
Step #07: Don’t forget Create file /etc/mysql/conf.d/cloudstack.cnf and insert just [mysqld] section.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# vim /etc/mysql/conf.d/cloudstack.cnf
Insert [mysqld] line and save it. Now restart mysql server.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# service mysql restart
Step #08: Don’t forget disable your firewall. ubuntu firewall name like as ufw.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# ufw disable
Step #09: Configure your cloud databases and add cloud user this command below. Details as like
cloudstack-setup-databases “cloud_user”:”db_password”@localhost –deploy-as=root:”root_passw0rd”
cloud:cloud [That means “cloud” user for password “cloud”]
root [That means mysql installation root password, Is not machine root password]
root@cloud-mgmt:~# cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:cloud@localhost --deploy-as=root:passw0rd
Step #10: Now start, stop and restart your management server command below.
service cloudstack-management start service cloudstack-management stop service cloudstack-management start service cloudstack-management restart
Test your cloudStack management server installed is ok. As like Command below.
root@cloud-mgmt:~# cloudstack-setup-management
Finally Goto your browser then type server ip and port 8080.
If you can’t access web GUI then goto step #09 and read again very carefully.
Default login
UserName : admin
Password : password
Now prepare NFS Server for cloudstack management server
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