How-To-Install-GitLab-CE-on-Ubuntu-22.04 0

How To Install GitLab CE on Ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial for install GitLab community edition on ubuntu 22.04. GitLab is an open source DevOps software package. No I want to share how to install it on your own server for your...

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7 Things to Know About Laptop Internet Cards

The reduced cost and increasing popularity are making almost every laptop have a network or Internet card. Using such cards, you can easily and quickly locate and access the free Wi-Fi networking areas. If...

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How To Install Zabbix Server 6.2 On Ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial how to install Zabbix server 6.2 on Ubuntu 22.04. Zabbix 6.2 is newly latest release from officially. So lets start this guide for install step by step. ####################################### Operating system: Ubuntu...