Tagged: linuxhelp.com

gitlab-install-ubuntu-14.04 0

How To Install GitLab Community Edition On Ubuntu 14.04

GitLab Community Edition is an open source Git repository.  It’s a internal repository for development team. When using internal Git then run many project into your internal Git repository. So I want to share...

install-grafana-server-ubuntu-16.04 0

How To Install Grafana Server On Ubuntu 16.04 Server

Grafana is an open source data visualization. Many database support as Grafana Server like as mysql, MSSQL, MariaDB, Elastix search, Promethuse etc. I want to show how to install it on Ubuntu 16.04. ★ Check Web Site...

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How To Install OsTicket On Ubuntu 16.04

OsTicket is an opensource online support ticketing system. If you do install on your ubuntu 16.04 then see follow my installation system.  OsTicket supported features such as Custom Fields, Rich Text HTML, Ticket Filters, Help Topics, Agent Collision Avoidance, Assign,...

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